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Wage calculations based on the actually done work

Dřevotvar družstvo
Turnover213 milions crowns
More about the company
Dřevotvar družstvo is a manufacturer of furniture, furniture components and wooden kitchen utensils with a history dating back to 1951, when 17 small craftsmen decided to join the association. Today, the company employs 180 employees and up to 80% of their annual production is exported. They have been using the K2 information system since 2003.
Since 2003 with K2 ERP

users work daily with K2

€8,4 mil.
annual turnover

1,5 mil.
wooden spoons produces annually

Scope of K2 implementation at Dřevotvar družstvo
The K2 information system was implemented across the entire company and today all agendas necessary for the company's operation are handled in it. In the initial implementation, K2 ERP was connected to the Pharis MES system , to which it provided all source data and received back information on labor charges and materials. In the last modification, MES Pharis was replaced by the MES module in K2 ERP.

Interesting facts from the K2 ERP implementation
  • The original connection to MES Pharis was replaced by the MES module in K2 ERP.

  • Implementation of a tool for subsequent manual correction of materials from levies.

  • Preliminary production planning in K2.
  • Planning the need for materials for production - MRP.
  • Calculation of workers' wages according to labor levies obtained from the MES system.

  • Operation of K2 e-shops for the sale of furniture and kitchen utensils.

"The most important functionality that was solved in Dřevotvar was the online connection between K2 ERP and MES Pharis . However, the wider use of the MES system was not realized in the end, and due to the fact that any integration between different systems always brings some discomfort, the whole situation eventually resulted in the logical decision to move the production transfer directly to K2 ERP. In connection with the withdrawal of production, a tool for manual correction of materials from withdrawals of production was also implemented. Workers perform their work performed directly in K2 ERP, and if material correction is needed in production, this correction will be made later by a worker with a higher authorization. The implementation of production processes in the Dřevotvar company is then complemented by the calculation of workers' wages according to the performed services."

Martin Běhůnek, project manager K2

In 2002, we needed to provide a more detailed overview of our company's key processes and also technologically ensure the stability of our company's IT environment. The transition from existing DOS systems to the Windows platform was urgent. After a thorough examination of the information systems market, we decided on IS K2, which convinced us with its clarity, user-friendliness and expandability. In K2, we process TPV and medium-term production planning. Previously, we used a different system for production management. In 2023, we also implemented the removal system in K2, where further processing is taking place.

Ing. Lukáš Bednář, economic director

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Hanka Přádková
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