Status K2

Welcome to really good company

The enterprise system, e-shop, data center or K2 services are used by hundreds of successful and large companies. This inspired us to create the STATUS platform, where we inspire each other and share business experience and practical know-how from the day-to-day management of companies.

"K2 has the best people."
Vlastimil Viktorin
member of the board of PRAMOS

STATUS podcast
12+ podcasts with sucessful brand owners
A series of interviews with those whose entrepreneurial stories should not go unnoticed. A talk full of practical advice and life experiences.

STATUS conference
The next STATUS conference - 7 November 2024
A conference with special guests that always accompanies the release of a new version of the K2 Information System.

An extraordinary opportunity to meet the owners, directors or key managers of successful companies. We prepare it for you every year in November at the Reduta theater in Brno.

Magazine STATUS

Twice a year we send a magazine full of powerful business stories, business inspiration, but also original travelogues, photos and current stories directly to mailboxes.
Sample of the latest issue of the magazine (in Czech)
Let's discuss it!
Hanka Přádková
Leave us a contact and we will get back to youDěkujeme za Váš zájem. Jsme rádi, že jste si vybrali právě nás. Brzy se Vám ozveme!Něco se pokazilo. Zkuste to prosím znovu.
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Let's discuss it!
Do you want to write us sth about our products or e-shop? Do not hesitate to write us.
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