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System settings and modifications

Create your own modules using our tools

A powerful tool in the hands of the administrator.

Easy system modifications thanks to its own test environment.

Automation of scheduled tasks.

Management of document circulation throughout the company – Document Management System.

System monitoring and simple error detection.

Develop the system according to your ideas
The K2 system allows your developers to easily create brand new modules using our tools. These are then automatically available on the web, on the K2 API and in the desktop version. You can easily create your own forms, define roles for different users and prepare your own print reports for each of the modules. Everything works within the program without having to reinstall the program.
System administration
Interface for system administrators

Administrators in companies can develop the system according to their ideas. And what they can't do themselves, our consultants can do.
Radovan Man, development manager

Users, roles nad permission settings
An administrator who can configure the system can easily set roles for individual system users. It can be different, for example, for the storekeeper, another for the payroll accountant and completely different for the administrator himself. The entire system is then simply controlled according to the current settings.
Role settings in the system
Notifications in the system

Keep an eye on important things with notifications
Do you want to have an overview of everything important? You only need to enter in the system which events it should monitor and monitor. One example for all can be, for example, issuing an invoice over a million crowns. At such a moment, a notification will come to the management members. If the amount is lower, the notification comes to the accounting department. All you have to do is set to whom, when and under what conditions such a notification should come.

Task scheduler
Automate certain actions so you don't have to do them manually. There are a number of operations that the system can do on its own – at pre-scheduled times. For example, once a day or once a month. Typical examples can be recalculation of warehouses, recalculation of prices in the e-shop, current exchange rates, posting of invoices or synchronization with other systems.
Task scheduling and automation
Customizing the system

System modification
Adapt the system to the needs of your company.
  • Using scripts, administrators can add new functions to an existing system or change existing ones.
  • Reporter is a simple tool that you can use to create print output within the K2 enterprise system, which K2 renders to a specific tool. You then define yourself what happens with the resulting document.
  • Form designer. Typical forms are preset in the system, but the administrator can easily change them. To yourself, to specific users, to groups of people. At the same time, it is possible to make your own forms for new modules.

System update management

Is something specific changing, for example legislation or the way wages are calculated? No problem for K2. At such a moment, we will just send you a so-called repair package. A partial update that we send you to the version of the system you are using and you can download it with a single click. All without having to reinstall the entire system every time. If it is necessary to reinstall the entire system, you can take advantage of the reinstallation plans, which allow you to update all our products from one place, even if they are installed on different computers.

Management for system updates
Test and development environment management

Test and development environment management

From the K2 version of the album, two smart features are also part of the system - Administrator interface; and Test Environment Management. Thanks to this, you can make a copy of the current version of the system and then develop and test new functions in it.

K2 system monitoring

K2 sends errors and other useful information that occur within the system to the monitoring system. These include the detection of database server or e-shop performance problems. The captured information will help the administrator to root out problems and eliminate them. As part of monitoring, you can also see which modules users actually use. Thanks to this, administrators know exactly what to transfer to a newer version of the system; and what, on the other hand, is not used within the company.

Monitoring and system adjustments
System connection via API

External API and registry parameters

The standard version of K2 includes a number of connections to various external registers. For example, if you want to establish a new supplier or customer, the system can find out and add a lot of useful information about it from public databases (such as Justice, ARES, VIES, Logobox or data boxes).

Why with K2?
  • You get role settings and permissions for specific users
  • You won't forget important things thanks to notifications and alerts
  • Schedule regular actions using the task scheduler
  • Modify the system's behavior and appearance using scripts, print reports, and the form designer
  • Digitize any documents using the Document Management System (DMS)
  • You will have an overview of K2 usage
  • You will ensure easier system maintenance thanks to monitoring
  • Also count on connections to external APIs and registries
Let's discuss it!
Hanka Přádková
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