Work from anywhere as if you were in the office

Company data always at hand.

Work on any device – PC, laptop, tablet, phone.
Suitable forfield work – salesmen, drivers, service technicians.

Secure cloud solution.

Use for special applications – warehouse reader, deilvery terminal in production and others.

Current data, wherever you are
With the help of K2 web, all you need to manage your business is the internet and a web browser. You can make key decisions from anywhere and whenever you need. However, web K2 will also be appreciated by your colleagues on the go, who do not have to spend time transcribing data into the company system after returning from the office. Everything is responsive, intuitive, and at the same time extremely secure.
Current data always at hand
Work with data from anywhere

As the first Czech manufacturer od ERP systems, we launched a fully web-based client that allows users to work from anywhere.
Tomáš Szkandera, director of K2 Software

The future is the web
Who still downloads programs, files, movies, music today? Everything is going to the web, to the cloud. And the K2 system too. Gets along with various devices (PC, laptop, mobile, tablet). Also operating systems or browsers (Safari, Chrome). Everything is online and completely safe. You no longer have to deal with company networks, VPNs or remote desktop connections.
Online ERP system
Business system online

Search in the system like Google
We've simplified the system so you can search it like anywhere else. Like on Google or Seznam. You just type what you're looking for. Calmly even without diacritics or with a small typo. And you will find everything quickly. In documents or number lists, a single click is all it takes.

One login password
With the new system, you will immediately recognize the change in the login method. The system can authenticate users using the domain name and password you entered. You no longer need to remember different passwords. So you only need one password and login name. Safely, comfortably and from anywhere.
Simple login to the information system
Work in the system from any device

Managing a business in difficult times
Web K2 will make it easier for you to manage the company when unexpected events or outages occur – for example during a pandemic or as part of quarantine measures. At the same time, it depends only on you, from which device connected to the Internet and browser you will use it.

Customize the design to your own needs
We believe that the system should not change their users. But to adapt to his habits and environment. That's why web K2 allows you to set your own design exactly according to the preferences of specific users.
Custom system design

Why Web K2?
  • Constant access to key data and information
  • Signing documents directly in the field
  • Significant simplification of administration
  • Single Sign On
  • Search using Elasticsearch
  • Intuitive settings of the entire system
Let's discuss it!
Hanka Přádková
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