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How K2 multicompany manages the entire association and 2 subsidiaries

JIC, zájmové sdružení právnických osob
Turnover120 milions crowns
More about the company
The JIC helps people develop businesses that can change the world for the better. Its vision is an open innovation ecosystem that is home to globally successful entrepreneurs and inspires the world. The JIC believes that only people whose work and business make sense can be successful and enjoy life at the same time. Approximately one hundred companies from South Moravia go through its programs every year, from start-up entrepreneurs with a new idea to established companies. Thanks to this, it contributed to the creation of one of the most innovative business systems in Central Europe. Since its establishment in 2003, JIC has supported more than 300 companies with sales of almost 30 billion crowns and almost 10,000 employees.
Since 2022 with K2 ERP


entrepreneurs in the community

business experts

Scope of K2 implementation at JIC
The K2 information system was implemented in the JIC practically throughout the association. Due to the nature of the company, contract implementation, workflow and reporting. In addition, K2 in the JIC also takes care of the economy, budgeting, assets, human resources, wages and warehouses. The B2C portal is also managed directly in K2, which can be used by JIC clients to easily and quickly order the required services

provided by the association.

Interesting facts from the K2 ERP implementation
  • Management of the entire JIC association as well as two subsidiaries in one database using K2 multicompany.
  • Support for multi-source financing with settlement of compensatory payments and subsidies, including de minimis support.
  • Budgeting from the perspective of team responsibility.
  • Records of tenders and monitoring of the use of contracts with regard to the applicable legislation.
  • Connection with payment gateway (Comgate), recurring payments (subscription, membership).
  • Integration with other information systems (e.g. Fabman access system).
  • Use of K2 workflow to manage company processes (e.g. approval of vacations, business trips, orders, contracts, budget changes, invoicing).
  • Automatic extraction of e-mails from the Exchange server directly in K2.

"Given that this is a budgetary organization, we have been challenged to implement a company different from ordinary commercial – production companies. If I should highlight some of the areas I am proud of, it is mainly the budget module, which allows you to efficiently enter primary documents so that their content corresponds exactly to the need to evaluate data across more than 10 analytical axes. Another interesting area is the subsequent analytical evaluation, which replaced a number of used excel. Also I cannot forget the B2C e-shop, thanks to which customers can arrange a service or a monthly subscription to services. Last but not least, the implementation also helped the IS K2 standard, into which some of the client‘s requirements were incorporated."
Martin Běhůnek, K2 project manager

The JIC helps, accompanies, innovates and inspires. This also applies to internal processes, the efficiency of which is crucial for us and our surroundings. We consider having real data available online in a short time to be key for our decisions and for cooperation with other entities. After careful market research, we decided to implement K2, because we are convinced that it best meets the needs of a budget-managed organization. K2 allows you to assign up to 12 analytical axes to the data, which makes it easier to work with data and perform analyzes both for your own purposes and to meet the requirements of all providers of financial resources. We look forward to working with K2 to explore other system options to innovate and inspire.
Petra Chovancová, CFO JIC

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Hanka Přádková
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