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The K2 information system helps with the supply of concrete to Prague buildings

Turnover700 milions crowns
More about the company
TBG Metrostav has been one of the leading suppliers of concrete mixtures for practically all major construction work in the city of Prague since 1995. Today they provide high-quality concrete not only for the construction or reconstruction of houses, but also office buildings, multipurpose centers or transport infrastructure, including buildings such as the DOX Center for Contemporary Art, the reconstruction of the Main Railway Station in Prague or the famous Blanka tunnel complex.
Since 2009 with K2 ERP


500 000
tons of aggregate processed every year

+30 mld.
CZK annual turnover

Scope of K2 implementation at TBG Metrostav

At TBG Metrostav, the entire operation of warehouses, production and the economic department have been entrusted to the K2 information system. The production technology in K2 is connected to specialized Martek mixing software via web services. TBG Metrostav documents all its contracts in K2. The system helps them calculate the costs of orders. TBG Metrostav is currently managing 3 companies within one K2 installation.

Implementation in TBG Metrostav
Interesting facts from the implementation

Interesting facts from implementation of K2 ERP
  • The production technology in K2 is connected online to Martek mixing software.

  • Contracts registered according to individual constructions.

  • Individual price lists.

  • Calculation of prices based on the structure of the product (according to individual segments of the product code). Simple revaluation of products.

  • Tender procedure, system of surcharges, generating contracts from bids.

  • "Plachta" dispatching workplace also available on mobile devices (HTML 5), registering requests on the basis of contracts, transfers between concrete plants, etc.

  • Control mechanisms for individual recipes, granularity curve.

  • Common technologies for multiple recipes.

  • Module for monitoring and evaluating samples.

  • Year-round orders, receipt using a barcode reader based on DL supplier.

"In 2018, the system was re-implemented to take greater advantage of the current possibilities of K2. TBG now uses simpler evaluations, including consolidated outputs and the transfer of documents between companies. We gradually replaced several different specialized software with a single one – K2. We make extensive use of the ability to automatically process everything that can be automatically processed (billing, production, invoicing, recalculations, margin monitoring, technology monitoring, etc.)."
Tomáš Solár, K2 Project Manager
Tomáš Solár for K2

We are constantly working to innovate and streamline our corporate processes. We have been using the K2 system for many years to control our financial flow. Years ago we started looking for an all-in-one system to manage production, logistics, to have all data and control in one place, and the developers from K2 were able to quickly prepare a platform for us that meets all our strenuous requirements.

Jakub Šimáček, CEO of TBG Metrostav

Jakub Šimáček

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Hanka Přádková
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