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Managing dozens of warehouses in one location

DRIBO, spol. s r.o.
Turnover360 milions crowns
More about the company
The company DRIBO has been operating on the Czech market since 1995. It is a leading manufacturer and seller of electrical devices – disconnectors and switches – and others components for high voltage networks . Currently, it also offers remote control of outdoor devices or substations. You can find the company's products DRIBO in practically all distribution companies in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The company can also rely on the rich experience and know-how of its German majority owner – the company Driescher, which has been one of the leading German companies in the field for more than a hundred years. On K2 ERP in DRIBO company relies on since 2005.
Since 2005 with K2 ERP

users work daily with K2

€ 14 mil.
annual turnover

3 800
orders per year

Scope of K2 implementation at DRIBO
K2 ERP takes care of practically all DRIBO company management processes in the company. From accounting and finance to marketing, purchasing and logistics to property, warehouses and, of course, production itself. An important part of the work of the ERP system in this company is the coordination of several dozen warehouses so that the company's logistics work best you can.
Implementation in DRIBO
Interesting facts from the implementation

Interesting facts from the K2 ERP implementation
  • A system of cooperation where some parts of production trees are produced in cooperation and some locally.
  • Tracking material production coverage over time - MRP planning I.
  • More than 30 consignment and 20 cooperative warehouses - a total of more than 70 warehouses.
  • EDI communication in the area of ​​purchasing.
  • Bulk removal of production.
  • Planning and evaluation of orders.

"The basic goal of the implementation was the effort to maximally simplify the generation of production data and the subsequent processing of the completed production. At the same time, we have preserved the necessary production data for the evaluation of orders. An integral part of the project was the introduction of a cooperation management system, which is a very important part of the entire production process. Planning the material in time made the work in purchasing more efficient. Key production processes were supported by standard back-office modules in the field of economics."
Martin Běhůnek, K2 project manager
Martin Běhůnek for K2

K2 ERP is a complex system, we have all the data clearly stored. There is no need to look for them anywhere else.
Ing. Tamara Jiranová Ottichová, CEO of DRIBO, spol. s. r. o. 

Tamara Jiranová Ottichová

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Hanka Přádková
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