
The first e-shop that will manage the entire compan

Data in one system
Get the numbers you need without complicated syncs.

Maximum acceleration of the expedition
We will push your logistics to the limit of what is possible.

Easy expansion abroad
We make it easy for you to break into different markets.
How does the K2 e-shop work in practice?

How is the deployment of the K2 system going?

We will use your existing data and turn it into a powerful e-shop. Or we will build an e-shop for you from scratch.
We will use your existing data and turn it into a powerful e-shop. Or we will build an e-shop for you from scratch.
We will deploy the e-commerce solution within a few weeks.
We are constantly developing the e-shop. We connect it with trends in the field of e-commerce and business in general.
Day-to-day operations are still handled by the same team that has been dealing with the e-shop with you since the beginning.
We connect successful: STATUS K2
Become part of the community of people who use K2 e-commerce services.

Implemented e-shops
in the last year

Practical videos
and tutorials on the tv.k2.cz platform

with key owners of successful brands

"K2 has the best people. Whenever we come up with an idea, they help us organize our thoughts and propose a solution, which we then use in a practically unchanged form for several years. In K2, we handle absolutely everything."

Vlastimil Viktorin, member of the PRAMOS board of directors

Vlastimil Viktorin from Pramos

Let's discuss it!
Hanka Přádková
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Let's discuss it!
Do you want to write us sth about our products or e-shop? Do not hesitate to write us.
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