Let your administration develop the system

Use the K2 API to centralize data within the company and for business partners.

Tool for integrating K2 with other systems.

Openness of the system.

Extraordinary technological and commercial know-how.

Possibility of using branch solutions.

Expand the system to your liking
Do you need to solve something really special that is not part of the wide range of K2 functionalities? Easily connect another or your own application using a standardized interface with the system from K2. In the same way, with the help of the application interface, you can also give your business partners an effective communication tool.
API interface
Integration via API

Give your IT administrators the freedom to improve the system and allow your business to grow with a strong partner behind you.
Pavel Dziadzio, development manager

Open system for your further growth
K2 is an extremely open system. It allows your IT administrators a truly varied palette of options to improve the system. Through the K2 API, they gain access to the entire system and all its modules. They can also run custom scripts or print reports. In the same way, K2 can connect to many, many other suppliers of other SW within the framework of customizations.
Connecting to the API
Open API

Keep an overview of the entire company in one place
If you use a variety of different systems and software to manage your company, it can easily happen that you lose track of the specific status of an order, the number of pieces produced or the need for maintenance of a specific machine. The solution is the K2 API, with the help of which other programs report all the data of the K2 ERP system. It automatically stores them in a central database and helps you keep track of the real state of your business.

Don't rewrite data from system to system
For example, do you need to upload technical documentation and product specifications to the production line? Do not rely on manual entry of key production parameters. With the K2 API, you simply eliminate the errors of the human factor – all key communication between the ERP system and the production machine takes place automatically.
Automation via API
API for software

Customize the system to your liking
Although the K2 ERP system offers a wide standard functionality, it may happen that the specificity of your company requires a completely non-standard solution tailored to you. With the help of K2 API, you can easily use a standardized interface based on REST API and create your own application that will respect your unique solution and thus support your competitive advantage in the market.

Open your solution to partners as well
You don't have to use the K2 API just to centralize data within your company. With the help of the application interface, you can also give your business partners an effective communication tool. For example, you will get more accurate data on the status of your order, the possibility to automatically order the necessary material from a partner, or an overview of the stock of your business partners. The K2 API gives you much more up-to-date data to manage your business, all online and in the background.
Connecting the system to partners

Why API from K2?
  • K2 open system
  • Communication with third-party systems
  • Automation
  • Support from IT administrators and developers
Example of use

Connecting your own e-shop or third-party e-commerce solutions, including integration with marketplaces

Using the API, you can connect your own e-shop with the K2 system and synchronize products, orders and stock. In this way, you can effectively manage your business operations and improve the customer experience.

Connecting your own mobile and web applications

Thanks to the connection of your mobile or web applications with the K2 system, it will enable sales representatives to quickly access information about customers, record business meetings or register the driver log.

Connection of K2 and telephone exchange

The API enables the integration of K2 with the telephone exchange, which improves communication with the customer and the management of customer calls directly within the system.

Making calendars from K2 available to other mail clients

Thanks to the API, you can synchronize calendars from K2 with external mail clients, which ensures that meeting and event information is up-to-date and consistent.

Approval and management of workflow processes from e-mail

Thanks to the API, it is possible to automate approval processes and manage workflow directly from e-mail, which significantly increases the efficiency and speed of handling internal processes or business operations.

Integration with HW devices

Using the API, it is possible to connect K2 to various hardware devices, such as smart scanners, IoT sensors or production machines.

Let's discuss it!
Hanka Přádková
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