Winner is the one who knows the customer best

Clear database of current and potential partners.

Rapid transfer of information across departments.

Easy evaluation of the success of marketing and business activities.

Instant overview of business opportunities.

Overview of customer behavior within the entire system.

Expand your company's most valuable database
Record every step on the way to your customer. Thanks to this, you will significantly increase the chances of forming a strong bond with him/her in the future. With the help of the CRM module, it is possible to record and constantly update information about business partners, marketing campaigns, contact persons or business opportunities in the K2 corporate system. It is in this database that an extraordinary perspective for the further growth of your company is hidden.

All important customer information is available to everyone and in one place.
Pavel Dziadzio, development manager

Constantly up-to-date information
Are your merchants on their way? Even so, you have a constant overview of what they are currently dealing with which customer. CRM from K2 makes it easy to solve access rights. All information stored in the system is available to all members of your team. The entire team thus has minutes from business meetings, calls with product support staff, e-mail communication, all current orders including their status or current balance immediately available. Everything including records of people who participated in the communication.

Score your merchants and cutomers
Points can be assigned to recorded activities and thus monitor not only the level of activity of individual members of your team, but also activity within selected business partners. Subsequently, you can let the system automatically notify you when the limit defined by you is reached for a follow-up action. For example, if a potential customer repeatedly visits your website over a certain period of time and clicks on the latest newsletter, the salesperson can be alerted to call the company with an offer.

Customer will appreciate fast communication
Support staff have at their disposal complete information about current and historical orders and their status, as well as records of previous communications with the customer. They are thus able to proceed immediately to the solution of his/her request without a lengthy interview with the client and save a lot of time not only for him/her, but also to speed up the average time for handling the request.
A contact center connected to the telephone switchboard brings even greater convenience to support staff. As soon as the phone rings, the worker is shown information about the customer who is calling, and can thus prepare for the call in advance.

Increase the success of sales teams
You can easily target individual business or marketing activities to the right target group, both on the basis of general parameters (e.g. field and location of business, number of employees or job position of the target person), and according to specific indicators, such as the last meeting or visit to a thematic seminar or other events.

Offers and requests
The system records all current and past requests. Either the ones your customers care about - or the ones you send to suppliers. Thanks to this, sales representatives can more easily create offers for their customers; including a number of functions for setting the offered prices and evaluating the profitability of the offer. The offers themselves can be made in several variants. And when the customer accepts the offer, it is enough to simply convert it into an order.

Why manage CRM with K2?
  • Partners and contact persons
  • Records of all business and marketing activities
  • Complete history of relationship with business partners
  • Opportunities and campaigns
  • Contract center and automatic registration of e-mails in activities
  • Offers and requests
  • Simplified creation of offers to customers
  • Overviews in the form of calendars and Kanban boards
  • Records of telephone calls and e-mail communication with the customer
Examples of use

Registration, management and evaluation of business opportunities
A CRM system allows you to track and manage potential business opportunities from the initial contact to closing the deal. For example, you can track who is responsible for each opportunity or how long it has been in the negotiation phase.

Creation of offers to customers
Thanks to the CRM system, you have all the customer's data available when creating an offer, including their previous purchases and offers. This reduces the time needed to create an offer and improves its relevance.

Records of the history of the relationship with the business partner
CRM stores all communications, meetings and transactions with each customer. This makes it possible to provide a personalized service and better understand customer needs.

Records of telephone calls or e-mail communication with the customer
CRM automatically stores all customer communications, allowing easy search and review of communication history to improve service and understand customer needs.
Let's discuss it!
Hanka Přádková
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