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More than 180 established projects in the first year of using K2

EUFC CZ s.r.o.
Turnover75 milions crowns
More about the company
EUFC CZ is an international consulting company specializing in projects in industry. It provides consulting services both to applicants when processing applications for support and to providers when setting up subsidy programs. At EUFC CZ, we focus on business projects in the fields of energy, science, research and innovation, digitization, circular economy and the environment. It has been operating on the market since 2003 – since then it has accumulated extensive experience with structural funds in four EU budget periods at the level of national and international programs. They implemented K2 ERP in 2022.
Since 2022 with K2 ERP

users work daily with K2

€ 3 mil.
annual turnover

+2 mld.
in subsidies

Scope of K2 implementation at EUFC CZ

K2 ERP covers the vast majority of areas of the company's business - from purchasing and sales to process management through workflow, project management, finance and economics, including payroll and asset management, to document management through the DMS module. There are also tools for analysis and management overviews in the BI module or records of business opportunities in CRM.

Implementation in EUFC
Interesting facts from the implementation

Interesting facts from the K2 ERP implementation
  • Record of business opportunities and offers.
  • Monitoring the progress of projects, allocation and utilization of resources.
  • Economic evaluation of projects.
  • Automation of processes using workflow (e.g. approval of travel orders, absences, quotations including contract proposals for clients).
  • Common environment and BI reporting for multiple companies within the holding.

"The reasons for the change and introduction of the new ERP system included the coverage of processes related to the registration, management and reporting of resources on projects, BI solutions and automation of processes using a workflow tool. During the implementation, emphasis was placed on the interlinking of information between CRM, the project and the order, including an interesting function for calculating the forecast of invoicing dates and volumes. The implementation took place in two stages for the Czech and Slovak parts of the company, which made it possible to monitor and evaluate the data of both companies in one application."
Petr Záveský, K2 project manager
Petr Záveský for K2

By choosing a suitable information system, we linked key areas from CRM to project management and capacity resource planning to controlling, accounting and HR. By implementing K2, project management was accelerated and we automated internal company processes. Thanks to the information system, we have an immediate overview of projects and business data from one place. Securing the necessary server infrastructure from one supplier was another.
Ing. Dalibor Pituch, procurator EUFC CZ s. r. o.

Dalibor Pituch

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