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HR and payroll

Make it easy to work with people

Detailed records of personal data of employees.

Records of qualifications, training, retraining and medical examinations.

Reduction of calculation errors.

Permanently valid legislation.

Communication with authorities using prescribed forms.

A complete overview of your employees
The K2 information system contains detailed records of personal data of employees, their family members and other data to the extent and beyond the legal obligation.
With employees, it is possible to register all their labor relations and have a complete overview of communication with both the social administration and health insurance companies.
Complete overview of employees
Always up-to-date legislation in the system

In currently supported versions, new legislation becomes part of the system automatically. No need to reinstall.
Alena Bártová, product support specialist

We calculate wages automatically
Automatic calculation allows you to calculate wages based on the employee's defined working hours. However, the system also enables other calculation methods, for example based on various imports from production or the attendance system. Expect maximum automation of all activities, but still the possibility of simple manual interventions at all levels of the process.
The system calculates wages automatically
Communication with the authorities takes place electronically

Electronic communication with authorities
The system supports electronic communication with social security authorities, health insurance companies and the Czech tax administration.

Reduce payroll errors
In the system, it is possible to determine the obligation to fill in certain fields and their subsequent control, thus reducing the possibility of making errors during payroll processing. Specifically, from the payroll calculations, the emphasis is placed on the possibility of arbitrary repetition of control calculations during the monthly processing of wages (for one or more employees), followed by error reports and control reports.
Avoidance of errors in the calculation of wages
Legislation and wages

Legislation and access rights
In the area of wages, all necessary wage data are primarily recorded, which always fully comply with legal regulations. Thanks to the parameterization of the calculation, in the event of legislative changes, an update is ensured with minimal intervention in the core of the system. Viewing, writing, changing and evaluating the data, as well as access to the data, is subject to the assignment of appropriate access rights.

Why manage payroll and HR with K2?
  • Automatic salary calculation
  • Electronic communication with authorities
  • Error reports and control reports
  • Access rights
  • Linkage with legal regulations
  • Automatic check of legislation
Examples of use

Electronic communication with the CSSA
The system allows you to download eDisability Forms and send individual eSubmissions to the social administration directly from your K2.

Access rights
On the basis of access rights, it is possible to perfectly define the access of individual workers to HR and salaries, thus preventing the view of sensitive data.

Automatic notification of the end of trial periods, dates of termination of employment or the end of validity of individual trainings.
Let's discuss it!
Hanka Přádková
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