Thoughtful imlementation and rich experience
The analysis of company processes is followed by the installation of the K2 company system itself. Together with you, we are looking for a way to do it as quickly as possible and at the same time in such a way that it affects the standard operation of your company as little as possible.
What are we dealing with?

  • Data transfer
  • Adaptation or expansion of the system

  • Links to external services and tools
  • API environment for your developers

  • Training of employees
  • Assistance in live service
The price of K2 information system licenses is based on the number of competing users who use K2. We do not sell licenses for individual modules.

Experience from various fields
When implementing K2, we can rely on experience from various fields together. This really comes in useful in practice, because we can estimate the approximate complexity of the project from the start and limit any additional work.

How does implementation work?


A clear and realistic plan

We start from an analysis of the company's processes and together with you we determine a specific implementation plan.

Transfer of important data

We will make sure that everything important continues to work perfectly in the new system.

Customizing the system

We connect the system with external services and tools. We set up an API for your developers.

Training of employees

We will train all employees who will work with the system during peak operation.

Assistance in heavy operation

During the first days, our consultants are present in your company and help users with the first steps in real operation.

The K2 team that is here for you

The team that implemented the system is available to you throughout the operation and develops your system together with you.

The K2 information system significantly increased our warehouse performance and shipping speed. The entire company now works with consistent data from one source. Everyone has a continuous overview of order processing, which makes communication and collaboration much easier.
Roman Nováček, CEO of Epico International, s. r. o.

Let's discuss it!
Hanka Přádková
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