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K2 solves the management of three B2B e-shops in four language mutations

KOEXIMPO, spol. s r.o.
Turnover185 milions crowns
More about the company
In the stationery and office supplies sector, KOEXIMPO is one of the longest-standing companies in the Czech Republic. Two brothers from Český Těšín created the FANDY brand, dealing in the sale of photo albums, photo frames , stationery and creative products . In cooperation with four other companies involved in the sale of office supplies and stationery, they founded the brand Partner4Office. Since 2010, they have introduced the brand LOVELEC, engaged in the production and sale of electric bicycles (a combination of the two words LOVe and ELECtric).
Since 1995 with K2 ERP

users work daily with K2

B2B e-shops
in 4 languages

employees serve 10 000 pieces
of stock items

Scope of K2 implementation at KOEXIMPO
In the year of implementation, mainly the basic K2 modules were dealt with, i.e. purchasing, sales, warehouse, cash register, bank and accounting. At that time, three different locations were still connected, namely offline transmissions. Gradually, the company increased its activity in the development of K2 by its own forces.
Implementation in KOEXIMPO
Interesting things from the implementation

Interesting facts of the K2 ERP implementations
  • K2 e-shop solutions and for now also two other external e-shops.
  • K2 helped expand sales to 20 countries around the world.
  • Salespeople in the field work with CRM in the field in CZ, SK, PL mutations.
  • Connection to the carrier via K2 to "Balíkobot".

"Our long-time customer went the route of his own K2 development. In addition to the operations director, the key person in this company is also the administrator of the K2 system. After the initial implementation, the introduction of news, training, modification of reports and scripts, or commissioning of the e-shop is up to him. The company is a prime example of how you don't need a team of programmers to run K2."
Jan Kurfűrst, Bussines Development Manager K2
Jan Kurfűrst for K2

It's unbelievable that whatever we came up with, we were able to implement it in K2 on our own.
Andrzej Glac, CEO of KOEXIMPO, spol. s. r. o.

Andrzej Glac

Let's discuss it!
Hanka Přádková
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