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Comprehensive production management using data in a single database

Mias OC spol. s r.o.
Turnover160 milions crowns
More about the company
Mias OC, spol. s r. o., has been operating on the Czech market since 1990. It is one of the leading Czech manufacturers of office furniture. Mias OC supplies its own office and commercial interior designs to a number of major companies not only in the Czech Republic, but also abroad. In addition to the actual production and distribution of furniture, Mias OC offers comprehensive plans for company interiors – from initial consultations and lighting design and acoustics to the installation itself. They have been relying on the K2 Information System since 2001.
Since 2001 with K2 ERP

users work daily with K2


3 000m2
production hall

Scope of K2 implementation at Mias OC
The K2 information system manages virtually all business activities at Mias OC - from tenders and connecting machines that create cutting plans to the financial evaluation of orders. A separate chapter is the solution for delivering orders, proposed back in 2001, but witch Mias OC is so satisfied with that it is still in use today in virtually unchanged form.
Implementation in Mias OC
Interesting things from the implementation

Interesting facts from the K2 ERP implementation
  • Connection to the Jungheinrich loader system.
  • Monitoring of contracts and orders - both in terms of finance and record-keeping.
  • Mobile barcode readers in the warehouse.
  • Multilingual design of menus for print templates.
  • Managing business activities and evaluating campaigns directly in the IS K2.
  • The Intrastat data collection and processing system is a direct part of IS K2.
  • Generating data for the edge bander and a large-format saw in the production line.
  • Link to the Top Solid 3D design program to retrieve data when creating atypical BOMs.

"Dependable furniture, and not just for foreign markets, required the standardization of markings and variant technological procedures based on parameterization. The stability of the solution will soon celebrate 20 years of K2 in MIAS. At MIAS, we also make use of the openness of the K2 Information System and the fact that they can make even more advanced adjustments themselves without our direct intervention, with just the help of one internal IT specialist. Our K2 programmers act mainly as consultants and advisors."
Pavel Motan, managing director of K2
Pavel Motan for K2

The K2 system has allowed us to fulfill our ideas about the production of both standard and atypical products in one production cycle and shipping the entire order with one delivery term. An ordering key, variant BOM and the openness of K2 has enabled us to connect and transfer data between SW for creating offers and the technical preparation of production with one database of items, orders and guides. By connecting K2 with all our machines, data on the progress of the order is collected from its entry into the system, the ordering of materials and components and production to the final shipment. This makes our work highly efficient and minimizes errors.
Martin Pavliš, CEO of Mias OC, spol. s r. o.

Martin Pavliš

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Hanka Přádková
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