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ERP system shows complex and trustworthy information about every order

MiF, s.r.o.
Turnover100 milions crowns
More about the company
MiF is a family-owned firm that boasts a dominant position on the Slovak market for producing self-adhesive labels, perforated paper and promotional items. From a small “garage” company established in 1996, it has now become a medium-sized company. It has grown so much so that it now has two production plants – in Dubnice nad Váhom and Batizovce – on a total area of more than 2,700 m².
Since 2016 with K2 ERP


9 562
tons of paint used annually

+100 mil.
czk annual turnover

Scope of K2 implementation at MiF

K2 fulfilled the customer’s basic request to combine all of its corporate paperwork into a single information system and to manage and evaluate its production process. The K2 Information System thus helps the company enter orders and dispatch them. Thanks to K2, their production is controlled, checked and objectively evaluated.

The accounting department uses K2 for invoicing and financial operations. The introduction of the K2 Information Systém has made the warehouse better organized. It keeps stock at a minimum and makes the process of ordering material for production more efficient.

Interesting facts from the K2 ERP implementation
  • The company uses barcodes and online readers.
  • It makes use of the option to dapt the system to the needs of users (the K2 IS environment looks different for everyone).
  • With the help of the K2 Information System, the company introduced clearly defined processes.
  • Documents are automatically sent.
  • Readers speed up and simplify inventories.

"Before the deployment of IS K2, the company used several information systems. I value the approach and responsibility of the company the most in the implementation and consistent description of individual processes. Thanks to this, we managed to merge all these systems into one, K2. In addition, in K2 we have expanded the functionality with the informative value of the system, such as the overall monitoring of the order from the customer's order to a possible complaint and the subsequent tracing of who produced the order, when, on which machine and from what material. The result is a notification to the supplier about the incorrect delivery of the material."

Pavol Kormaňák, CEO of K2 atmitec Slovensko s. r. o.

Our search for a new ERP system was motivated by our need to collect all information in one place, into one information system. Today, K2 is basically life and blood for us. Without K2 we would all be lost today. I would recommend the K2 system to every company. It has added value to our company by giving us clearly defined processes and allowing us to find out what we're doing and how we are doing it, whether right or wrong. It's important to all of us here to have true and accurate information and not just have a something tell us what we want to hear.

Michal Filípek, CEO of MiF, s. r. o.

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Hanka Přádková
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