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The information system helps to manage the entire holding

KUBOUŠEK EU holding a.s.
Turnover1,0 bilion crowns
More about the company
KUBOUŠEK EU holding is a major system integrator of technical solutions for industrial production. The company, which represents major global brands in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland, was established in 1990. Today, it offers its customers its own technology and training center, innovative services, high-quality products and an experienced team of professionals. All of this allows them to support the use of the most modern industrial trends and help increase production efficiency. They have been relying on the K2 Information System since 2015.
Since 2015 with K2 ERP


1 mld.
CZK annual turnover

companies processed in K2

Scope of K2 implementation at KUBOUŠEK EU holding

In the KUBOUŠEK group, the K2 information system is integrated into all corporate activities – starting with tendering and monitoring business opportunities. A great added value is the use of the synergy of our own companies within one client for sharing data and code numbers in the information system. K2 enables comprehensive management of the holding economy, not only in the Czech Republic, but across several countries. The holding also uses all available analytical tools for evaluation and reporting in K2.

Implementation in Kuboušek
Interesting facts from the implementation

Interesting facts from implementation of K2 ERP
  • Templates of print reports in customized language mutations.

  • Monitoring of individual contracts for the supply of machines not only economically, but also including follow-up care for the machines.

  • Using K2 workflow steps for key processes.

  • Solutions for servicing machines of machines, equipment and supplies of spare parts and consumables.

  • Traceability of serial numbers and their origin.

  • Data overview of order fulfillment instead of printed lists.

  • Intrastat part of the solution directly from K2.

  • Use of online readers not only for normal operation during receipt and dispatch, but also for inventories.

  • Book of machines and equipment – records of sold machines, including history tracking from the point of view of complaints, repairs and service.

  • Planning the departue of service technicians.

  • E-shop on the K2 platform.

"What I value most about this implementation is the integration of all activities into one system, and above all the methodical shift of operational management from the accounting office to individual operations and divisions. Thus, the economic department only controls and supervises compliance with the rules, but the economy of the operation is managed and controlled already at the level of solving indivitual business cases. This seemingly minor change meant a major shift in responsibility for entered data, for re-invoicing between centers, and for the addressability of individual decisions. Today, with the system is in place, the control between offer versions, sales version and control of the implementation of its realization works perfectly, both from the point of view of machines and articles, as well as labor budgets and subcontracts."
Martin Běhůnek, K2 Project Manager
Martin Běhůnek for K2

The key decision to merge all our companies under one clint paid off handsomely for us. We now have a much better overview of the entire group from one place. A fundamental advance is the ability to use shared codebooks and do reporting across all data. This allowed us to significantly reduce administrative costs and kick us to higher productivity.

Ivan Kuboušek, President of KUBOUŠEK EU holding, a. s.

Ivan Kuboušek

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Hanka Přádková
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