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Project management

We will help your projects succeed

Monitoring the schedule, costs and revenues of the project.

Defining resources before starting a project.

Roles, competencies and responsibilities for the implementation team.

A clearly defined work queue for project participants.

Extraordinary know-how in project management.

Plan your projects the way you need them
The K2 enterprise system includes the ability to plan individual projects in several ways. With regard to the start or completion date of the project, or individually according to current needs. Thanks to this, you can be sure that you will actually meet all the deadlines and not underestimate any important part of the project.
Project planning in the company
Plan projects from A to Z

Project success always starts with a good plan. And K2 offers a number of ways to plan, manage and manage costs.
Alena Bártová, product support specialist

Turn an idea into a project
The Projects module is used for project management. Whether it is the development of new products, the introduction of new technologies, the design or implementation of investment and construction events, the implementation of information systems or the introduction of a quality system - it is always good to plan everything and monitor the time schedule, costs and revenues. K2 makes it possible to register project requirements, project risks, partners and project members, or to assign a specific order to the project directly from the system.
Process management of projects
More than one person can work on a project

Engage the implementation team
Everyone who participates in the project as a Project Member has an assigned role. A role is assigned a list of permissions that a member with that role has in a given project. At the same time, tasks resulting from the project are displayed to the person in the so-called work queue.

Stages and schedule of activities
The project consists of stages and planned activities, to which individual resources are assigned. At the same time, it is possible to define selected project milestones. Within the project, it is also possible to define dependencies between individual parts of the project and thus define the entire project structure.
Planned activities and stages of the project
Critical path planning

Critical path planning
K2 allows users to plan with the critical path method (CPM). At the same time, it uses an algorithm whose goal is to find out what is the shortest time in which the project can be completed and to identify the critical activities that have the greatest impact on this time.
The project is divided into individual parts, each of which has an estimated duration. A network diagram is created between the activities to show their interdependencies. A critical path is calculated where activities have no time reserve – and their delay could thus delay the entire project.

Why manage projects with K2?
  • Project management
  • Competence and role of the team
  • Critical Path Planning
  • Project milestones and stages
  • Allocation of competences
  • Gantt chart
  • Network diagram
  • Work queue
Examples of use

Monitoring of costs
Within the project, it is possible to report work on individual orders and thus have a complete overview of revenues and costs in the ERP system.

Gantt chart
Changes within the project can also be managed graphically using a Gantt chart.
Let's discuss it!
Hanka Přádková
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