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We have everything from 1 supplier, information system and IT infrastructure

Turnover857 milions crowns
More about the company
The story of Q - ELEKTRIK is a story of growth from one self-employed person in 1990 to a company with a hall area of 7,500 m2, which generates a turnover of three quarters of a billion crowns. The company focuses on the production and sale of electrical materials, air conditioning equipment and non-ferrous metals for electrical engineering. It is the market leader in most of these industries. A substantial part of their activities include electrical installations and servicing LV and HV up to 110 kV.
Since 2002 with K2 ERP

6 mil.
items per year go through stock

storekeepers in 2 warehouses

1 238
medium voltage distribution
fields under administration

Scope of K2 implementation at Q-ELEKTRIK
Today, the K2 information system manages practically all areas of the company's activities, from accounting and payroll to warehouse management and production. Q-ELEKTRIK also uses the K2 e-shop, the option of managing several companies in one database, as well as outsourcing the management of the company's IT structure. K2 technicians take care of all the company's hardware.
Implementation in Q-ELEKTRIK
Interesting facts from the implementation

Interesting facts from the K2 ERP implementation
  • Warehouse controlled by barcodes.
  • Significantly fewer people are needed to operate warehouses thanks to IS K2 management.
  • Use of the K2 e-shop for the sale of air conditioners and electrical materials.
  • Company server room managed by K2 means high availability.
  • Slovak branch operated in the same database as Czech headquarters.
  • Automated circulation of internal documents between individual sections and branches.

"Thanks to the company's wide range of activities in 4 divisions, the K2 information system at Q-ELEKTRIK must not only manage the circulation of documents and logistics between divisions, but also between the branches in Brno, Prague and their Slovak subsidiary, as well as a number of people in external workplaces. Thanks to having the technology of their companies in one database, the communication between them is much easier for creating documents, as well as in sharing the necessary data about customers, availability of goods and planning purchases."
Jan Kurfürst, K2 business development manager
Jan Kurfürst for K2

The main advantage of our cooperation with K2 is that we have everything, i.e. the information system and IT infrastructure, from one vendor. I don't have to decide who to contact when I need something - I have one contact who takes care of everything. An invaluable benefit for us is that all our companies use the unified environment of the K2 information system.
Mgr. Petr Ježek, deputy chairman of the board of directors of Q-ELEKTRIK a.s.

Petr Ježek

Let's discuss it!
Hanka Přádková
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