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Management of 14 own companies in a single database

AGRALL zemědělská technika a.s.
More about the company
The company AGRALL was founded in 1991 in Bantice near Znojmo. From what was originally a regional seller of agricultural machinery, over the years it has become the exclusive importer of two important global manufacturers, namely the CLAAS and VÄDERSTAD brands. Through its subsidiary AGRALL, it also expanded its operations to the Slovak market. Today, it not only provides sales representation, but also provides service for all technology, its rental and consulting services.
Since 2005 with K2 ERP


2 milions
active stock cards

40 %
share of the harvester market

Scope of K2 implementation in Agrall
At AGRALL, K2 ERP mainly takes care of the complete sales process and business opportunity processing. In addition, the company also relies on K2 in the areas of accounting, logistics, property management or reporting. Since AGRALL's regional branches are implemented as separate companies with their own ID number, AGRALL also uses the function of managing multiple companies in one database. Thanks to this, they do not have to deal with any synchronizations, exports or consolidation of reports for individual branches - all data is available immediately, clearly and in one place.

Implementation in Agrall
Interesting facts from ERP implementation

Interesting facts from the K2 ERP implementation
  • Connection to the import of data from the information system of foreign partners.
  • B2C e-shop for selling your own merchandising.
  • Machine configurator available to the merchant via tablet.
  • Automatic transfer of orders from branches to headquarters.
  • Warehouse management using barcode scanners.
  • Automatic creation of invoices and their sending to the customer.

"The company Agrall has been using K2 ERP since 2005. Since then, its scope has expanded to include other companies - they also manage their agendas in K2. The system is suitable both for the operation of several companies that do business with each other and exchange data, as well as for industry-specific separate divisions. In 2020, the company started using a new web client for the work of traders and partners. The new e-shop is used for the sale of spare parts of the additional range. This replaced the original, already outdated web interface."
Jakub Skoták, K2 senior consultant
Jakub Skoták za K2

Over the course of more than 18 years, our company grew to fourteen branches, expanded abroad and became a constant among suppliers of agricultural equipment, even number one on the market in certain segments (harvesters and cutters). All this with one comprehensive K2 ERP enterprise system that has been able to grow with us and support our growth.

Tomáš Kvapil, chairman of the supervisory board and technical director

Tomáš Kvapil

Let's discuss it!
Hanka Přádková
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