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Thanks to K2, warehouse workers manage to pick up to 8 orders at once

Turnover300 milions crowns
More about the company
PEMA Car Parts started off in 2007. As the name says, they specialize in the sale of car parts. Their main sales channel is an online e-shop, but they also have a store. The company currently operates four e-shops, offering spare parts for most car models. They have been using the K2 Information System since 2009.
Since 2009 with K2 ERP


150 000
orders per year

600 000
items in the assortment

Scope of K2 implementation at Autodíly PEMA
AUTODÍLY PEMA s.r.o. currently uses the K2 Information System primarily for warehouse management, for all logistics, bookkeeping and communication with carriers. The company strives to use the standard K2 solution as much as possible. At the time of implementing the K2 Information System, the company had 2 employees processing approximately 20 orders per day. Today, 25 employees process approximately 1,000 orders per day.

Interesting facts from the K2 ERP implementation
  • The K2 information system is used as a platform for creating their own IT solutions.
  • The IT Department of AUTODÍLY PEMA can manage modifications in the system without the intervention of the manufacturer.
  • Mobile barcode readers use the standard interface and functionality of K2.
  • The K2 information system completely manages the operation of the store.
  • They use their own script for the initial receipt of goods.
  • The introduction of mobile readers has eliminated erroneous orders caused by a mix-up of goods.
  • The work efficiency of the warehouse has increased by up to 40 % with K2 management.

"Since it started using the K2 Information System, the company has striven as much as possible to operate it on a standard K2 solution, especially the managed warehouse solution. It currently manage four e-shops, a store and all their logistics. K2 allows them to create work queues for warehouse workers or to calculate the number of processed orders completely online."
Jan Kurfürst, Business Development Manager K2

The K2 IS takes care of the overall cycle of documents and operation of our company. From accepting an offer from one of our e-shops to picking, packing, shipping, invoicing, or pickups in our store. Everything is done by K2. Thanks to K2, our employees know what to do during each phase of the sale. Having a single database allows us to have fewer goods in stock, because K2 ensures that the supplier delivers the goods to us for shipment to the customer.

Martin Frič, executive director Autodíly PEMA

Let's discuss it!
Hanka Přádková
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