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The software can adapt to the changes that occur in the company

Turnover208 milions crowns
More about the company
AVEFLOR, a.s. is a manufacturing and trading company that has been operating on the Czech and foreign markets for more than twenty-five years. It focuses on the sale and production of medical devices, veterinary drugs, cosmetics and technical products. The products are filled in different packaging forms: sprays, BOV sprays, tubes, airless dispensers, glasses, plastic bottles, pens and are shipped to customers within the entire EU and to other countries outside the EU. The company has successfully validated K2 ERP for good manufacturing practice according to VYR 32 supplement and GMP principles. The company was founded by Mr. Jiří Zubatý, who is gradually passing on his experience with continuous development to his son Jan.
Since 2017 with K2 ERP

users work daily with K2

+6 mil.
pieces of products produced annually


Scope of K2 implementation at AVEFLOR

K2 ERP manages most important processes in AVEFLOR using the workflow tool. It thus obtains a detailed overview of the status of the processes and the persons currently solving them. The introduction of workflow made company processes more transparent and helps the management and operation of the company to be more efficient. Thanks to accurate warehouse records down to the individual handling units, they always have an overview of the location and consumption of each individual package, not just the batch. This is very important for traceability. K2 also secures each batch produced and gives a precise overview of the consumption of raw materials and packaging identifiable down to the level of individual packaging.

Implementation in AVEFLOR
Interesting facts from the implementation

Interesting facts from the K2 ERP implementation
  • Marking of materials, semi-finished products and products with 2D barcodes, according to which it is possible to find out the entire history from receipt to consumption and production.
  • Quality control due to batch properties - the measured values ​​must correspond to the required values ​​within their defined range. If the lot does not meet the defined values, it is not possible to release it into circulation.
  • An evaluation of the delivery in terms of marking, quality and packaging method is recorded for each receipt document. This provides suppliers with quick feedback as part of their evaluation.
  • The use of mobile graphic barcode scanners makes it possible to load raw materials for consumption, or to carry out finished production directly at the production site online. When a batch is complete, a record of the material consumed for that batch can easily be printed.

"K2 ERP is used in the AVEFLOR company for a wide range of its functionality, including the process management of the company. A number of partial records, previously implemented in various applications, were transferred to ERP K2. A key part of the implementation of the information system was mastering the issue of 2D barcodes for the area of ​​warehouse logistics, quality control and production."

Tomáš Koreček, K2 project manager
Tomáš Koreček for K2

We switched to the K2 system in 2017, and what I value most about it is that it can adapt to the changes that occur in the company. An individualized approach to solving the specifics of our company is also an advantage. They also appreciate the constant improvement of existing functions and the introduction of new functionalities of the system.

Jan Zubatý, director of the company

Jan Zubatý

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Hanka Přádková
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