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How K2 simply manages foreign branches in one system

CYMEDICA, spol. s r.o.
Turnover1,1 bilion crowns
More about the company
Cymedica is a dynamic company that has been selling, producing and distributing veterinary medicines and products for animals since 1995. Today, the company operates not only in the Czech Republic, but also in other Central and Eastern European countries (including Russia), where it is one of the market leaders. It currently offers a wide range of medicines, preventive products and feeds for livestock and pets, such as cats and dogs. Since 2014, the K2 Information System has been used by more than 30 users.
Since 2014 with K2 ERP


30 000
orders per year

foreign branches

Scope of K2 implementation at Cymedica
The K2 information system is used by Cymedica for to do everything dealing with its stock, purchasing, sales and production. They also manage their assets, accounting and finance with K2. The information system also allows Cymedica managers to prepare economic analyses and managerial reports.

Interesting facts from the K2 ERP implementation
  • Automatic creation of documents and their flow between cooperating companies.
  • Electronic distribution of data records for WinVet (software for veterinary practice management).
  • Czech and Slovak branch in a single K2 installation.
  • Connection of the K2 Information System to an external e-shop.
  • Distribution of lists of goods from the central register of pruducts.
  • Automatic electronic dispatchof documents to the customer.

"The biggest added value from K2's features is the automatic creation of documents between several companies that are managed in K2. The creation one issuance document creates an income document on the other side of the other company, and invoicing then takes place monthly. An integral part is also ensuring consignment between these companies. Users do not have to create documents twice and the warehouse is updated automatically. Another requirement of the customer was to maintrain the existing e-shop so that customers were not aware of any changes, which was successful in terms of environment and functionality."
Jan Kurfürst, Business Development Manager K2

K2 has been very helpful in moving the entire company from proprietary accounting and invoicing systems to a standardized process solution. It made it possible to start a discussion about internal processes, their importance and necessity, and at the same time allowed us to implement them.
Ing. Petr Cimbulka, Group Operational Director

Let's discuss it!
Hanka Přádková
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