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One-click approval of invoices and other processes in the e-mail

Halla, a.s.
Turnover300 milions crowns
More about the company
Company Halla, a. s., deals with the design and custom production of interior lighting. Company has a number of realizations not only in the Czech Republic but also abroad. Their lighting complements interiors in 50 countries, including offices in Dubai, Finland and Mexico. In the Czech Republic, they installed lighting, for example at Czech Radio, the Olomouc University Hospital or the company. They manage around 3,000 projects a year and produce 30,000 luminaires for them. The whole company has been using the K2 Information System since 2000.
Since 2002 with K2 ERP

users work in K2 every day

30 000
luminaires per year


Scope of K2 implementation at Halla
Both production and the warehouse are completely controlled by the K2 Information System. This allows the reserve material for relevant orders. The system also handles workloads using barcodes. Thanks to K2, Halla has an absolute overview of the warehouse logistics from purchase through production to dispatch. Workflow module takes care of invoice approval, asset reclassification, order processing and other things. Manager can approve any process with a single button in the e-mail.
Implementation in Halla
Interesting facts from the implementation

Interesting facts from the K2 ERP implementation
  • Production is fully controlled by the K2 Information System.
  • The 3,500 m2 warehouse is managed via online mobile terminals.
  • Effective workloads using barcodes.
  • Reservation of material for relevant orders - there is no material theft and overtaking of orders.
  • Complete overview of warehouse logistics (covering purchasing, production and shipping).
  • Process management is integrated directly into K2 (approval of invoices, change of asset classification, process of processing order items and others).

"Logistics management is key for Halla. Availability of material at the right time at the right place, ensuring the blocking of material for the relevant order, online consumption of material during production levies - these are features without which the production company cannot be effectively managed. Thanks to the use of barcode readers and process control directly in the IS, Halla managed to increase production efficiency and eliminate bottlenecks in the warehouse. Thanks to a wide range of training and tools for administrators, K2 administrators are able to take care of K2 independently and adjust and supplement many functionalities themselves."
Petr Figura, K2 project manager
Petr Figura for K2

We especially appreciate the robustness of the system in the area of ​​warehouses. In particular, strict adherence to stock blocking for individual orders, thanks to which there is no theft of material between individual production orders. Thanks to its elasticity, K2 currently fits perfectly to all solved business processes. The term "K2 as a platform" is not just an empty phrase for us. In our IT department, we basically have our own top K2 consultants who are able to fully manage the entire system, including the development of new customizations, thanks to K2's resources. Which saves us a lot of money.
Ing. Daniel Černý, member of the board of directors of Halla, a.s.

Daniel Černý

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Hanka Přádková
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