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We have orders, stocks and attendance for all companies in one place

KAR group, a.s.
Turnover940 milions crowns
More about the company
KAR Group is one of the largest companies in the Czech Republic providing maintenance services for bus and truck transportation. It is one of the largest authorized dealers of IVECO BUS buses, offering service through its KAR-mobil network. The service network consists of 18 branches across the Czech Republic and also provides authorized service for brands such as SOR, Dekstra, Feniksbus, Cargobull Schmitz, BPW, SAF, and others. The group also includes AUTO-DIENST s.r.o., which provides authorized service for Setra and Mercedes-Benz buses and is an independent service provider for trucks of all brands. KAR Group also includes the KAR Development Center, which, in addition to development projects focused on vehicle driving characteristics, also carries out custom and small-lot production in the field of precision machining and laser cutting of materials. KAR Group is part of the OSTRA group.
Since 2024 with K2 ERP

Over 170
buses sold in 2023

number of service orders per year


The scope of K2 implementation at KAR group company

The KAR Group uses standard modules of the K2 Information System, such as sales, purchase, accounting, production tracking, and WMS. We developed the "Workshop" module tailored specifically for the customer. With this module, they plan and manage work in the service departments. Employees and managers can create price quotes for customers, convert them into orders, and better track their progress. The system also enables tracking auto parts substitutions and approving workflow across all companies in the group.
implementation at KAR group company
Interesting aspects of the K2 ERP implementation

Interesting aspects of the K2 ERP implementation
  • Implementation of web-based K2 (cloud-based ERP).
  • Integration with Google Workspace.
  • Special module "Workshop", which is an extension of the standard Sales module.
  • K2 ERP also handles pricing, tracking of auto parts substitutions, and workflow approval across companies.
  • Setting up a unified accounting structure for the entire group and the Multicompany module (overviews for the entire group in one place).

„One of the biggest challenges of the project was the deployment of web-based K2 for the KAR group and the integration with Google Workspace. Thanks to the team’s efforts, everything was implemented within the planned time and scope. The complete tracking of service activities, from the quote to comparison with actual results, forms the core of working with K2.“
Petr Záveský, project manager K2
Petr Záveský

Thanks to K2 ERP, we have an overview of orders from all companies, inventory, and even attendance in one place. We are able to better plan material purchases and cash flow. Huge benefits also include the ability to customize the system to fit our processes and K2's willingness to develop a completely new module, Workshop, for us. The new enterprise software also meets our data security criteria and allows us to train new employees more quickly. I therefore recommend K2 to all companies that want to manage their activities efficiently, simply, and at the same time have the assurance that the software will adapt to their needs.
Miroslav Konečný, board member

Miroslav Konečný

Let's discuss it!
Hanka Přádková
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