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Dispatch of order within a few minutes

Stoklasa textilní galanterie s.r.o.
Turnover400 milions crowns
More about the company
The firm Stoklasa was founded in 1990 by its owners Leo Stoklasa and his then wife. The first products sold were gold buttons. Today it offers more than 40 thousand items in 36 countries around the world, and it operates a total of 13 shops in the Czech Republic. The firm Stoklasa has won several awards, including the quality award in the Shop of the Year 2017 survey. It has been using the K2 information system since 1999 to run the entire firm, including one of the most modern automated warehouses in our country.
Since 1999 with K2 ERP


400 mil.
CZK annual turnover

178 000
orders dealt with every year

Scope of K2 implementation at Stoklasa textilní galanterie

The company uses the K2 information system primarily for complete stock management, including its automated warehouse. It was built on a greenfield in 2018, and together with IS K2 it makes it possible to pack and dispatch an order within 8 minutes of its receipt in the e-shop.

Implementation in Stoklasa
Interesting facts from the implementation

Interesting facts from the implementation of K2 ERP
  • Dispatch of order within 8 minutes of its receipt in the e-shop.

  • Integration of K2 information system with own e-shop of company Stoklasa.

  • Control of switch points of automatic conveyor and automatic weighing.

  • Printing of labels and exchange of data with shipper.

  • Automatic topping up of dispatch warehouse based on historical sales, seasonal demand and current orders.

  • Complete design and implementation of server infrastructure and complete wifi network with more than 35 AP.

  • Complete customised delivery and configuration of mobile terminals.

"The goods for orders from the eshop are automatically blocked in the warehouse. If the order is covered completely, IS K2 issues a dispatch order immediately. So the stores personnel can work on the completion of the order with the use of mobile terminals practically immediately. At the end of the automatic conveyor there is automatic check weighing, and then packages are prepared for dispatch according to the shippers. Your order might be packaged and waiting for the carrier to pick it up while you are still drinking your coffee in front of the computer."
Radek Kočka, K2 Project Manager
Radek Kočka for K2

In the company we have been able to rely on the people from K2 and its information system for more than 20 years now. The way I see it, the supplier of our ERP must be better at everything than we are. And after all these years of experience I can say that K2 is just the right firm for us to build on.

Leo Stoklasa, Director of company Stoklasa textilní galanterie s.r.o.

Leo Stoklasa

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Hanka Přádková
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