Sell more, better and easier

All documents in one single system.

Convenient and clear pricing.

Detailed overview of all sold goods.
Complaint linked to the e-shop and the system.

Loyalty programs, promotions, discount codes.

Move your business to better sales

Sales is a key part of the K2 business system. In this module, you simply keep track of all the important documents that belong to each order. Whether it is an issued invoice, accepted order, issued delivery note, release notes or reservation sheet. At the same time, you can easily connect sales with marketing actions – create promotions, loyalty programs or discount coupons.

System for better sales
Sell more and better

Who doesn't want to sell more and better? Our system can really simplify your journey to customers.

Pavel Dziadzio, development manager

Product catalog

All important product parameters are recorded in one single place. When your customer or you yourself need any useful information, you simply reach into the system for relevant and up-to-date data without having to search for anything complicated.

Product catalog
System for pricing

Pricing and credits

Divide your business partners according to various parameters. Make different price bands, for example, according to the amount of turnover or the current number of orders. You can then monitor all your customers through so-called credits. So that no one exceeds the number of open business cases or the set order value.

Item overviews

Don't settle for just looking at the final receipts or orders. Thanks to K2, you can easily find out everything about a specific item across various documents. With item overviews, you always know exactly how much you bought or sold article for in the past.

Item overviews
Sell article in the shop

Sell article in the shop

If you have the K2 system, you can easily sell article also at real checkouts. We offer the possibility to create a simple screen in which every seller can easily familiarize himself/herself with, and then he can search for article manually or with a reader. At the same time, each of his/her actions creates a business case – an order, payment, invoice or tax document. Everything is connected to the payment terminal and enables easy card payments.

Complaint? No problem!

User experience is more important today than ever. And quick processing of complaints is one of the signs of a quality company. That is why we are constantly improving the module for recording and resolving complaints. So that everything is resolved as soon as possible. In the case of complaints on the K2 e-shop, for example, all you have to do is upload a photo and the entire process of processing it will automatically start for you within the system.

The system handles complaints
Loyalty program and cupouns in your e-shop

Loyalty program, promotions, discount coupons

Motivate your customers to make more purchases by simply creating sales promotions for them. You can define different types of promotions, volume discounts, a defined set of gifts or action sets. At the same time, you can offer customers discount codes when purchasing. We will also allow you to measure the activity of your customers within the loyalty program, where everyone collects points and turns them into gifts or other benefits.


Would you like the systems to communicate together in the background, so that there is nothing holding you back from the actual business? Thanks to the standardized means for the electronic exchange of EDI documents, this is possible. Documents do not need to be printed, sent by post or email. Our enterprise system K2 "can talk" with third party ERP systems. K2 can also handle the transfer of invoices in ISDOC format.


Why manage sales with K2?

  • Product catalog
  • Pricing
  • Orders and other documents
  • Item overviews
  • Credits
  • Sale of article at the store
  • Service and maintenance
  • Complaints
  • Loyalty program
  • Promotion
  • Discount coupons
  • EDI
Examples of use

Evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing like Big Shock
Read how the K2 enterprise system helps you plan investments in Big Shock. Companies that use the purchasing, selling, but also forecasting or controlling module. Read it

How to sell with K2 directly at the store?
We will introduce you to the possibility of retail sales. We will show you how to set the parameters of Selling goods in the store, including illustrative examples. Play video (in Czech)

Sell direct! Why use D2C sales?
Play a video on how to gain a competitive advantage by having your e-shop on a D2C basis and start selling directly to customers. Play video (in Czech)
Let's discuss it!
Hanka Přádková
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