We are ready to grow with you
With implementation of the K2 system, our cooperation is always just beginning. Together with you, we are constantly looking for ways to continue growing. We solve how to fulfill your plans and business challenges.
What are we doing?

  • We respond quickly to your wishes
  • We are looking for ways to continue growing
  • We invest in the development of the K2 system

  • Every year we release a new version of the system
  • We have an operational helpdesk to solve your requirements

  • We are on the phone, or we will go directly to you
  • We train live and online

We have our own K2 TV with lots of useful instructions, tricks and tips on how to make the most of the K2 system.

New version every year
Every year, we invest extraordinary resources in the development of the system. Thanks to this, you are sure that your company is prepared not only for current challenges, but also for future growth. Our newest release is called K2 alba.

What does our service look like in practice?


One team all the time

From analysis to implementation to day-to-day care, you always have the same team looking after you.

Continuous development

We are working on developing and improving the system. So that you never have to brake or have a reason to change.

Information online and offline

We are ready to consult with you about your changing plans. At the same time, we have an extraordinary database of online training and tutorials.

We offer our own people and a data center

We can offer you IT experts. As well as own data center services.

We react really quickly

We answer phones, respond to e-mails, drive directly to you. We are a partner, not a system supplier.

At the beginning, we never dreamed that we would be a company with a turnover of 18 million euros and that we would use the entire spectrum of services that K2 offers us.

Miloš Vašek, general manager of Dexis Slovakia

Let's discuss it!
Hanka Přádková
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