Data safe? In our data center
We have our own data center optimized for the operation of the K2 information system. For you, this means zero initial investment, a guarantee of exceptional availability and first-class service.
Signals that you need a data center:

  • You lose money and customer trust due to unavailable systems
  • You have repeated system shutdowns

  • Servers tend to be unavailable
  • Cyber attacks on your data are on the rise

  • You have to pay hig acquisition investments for new servers
  • Availability of 99.9999 % of our services

Data and system in one place
The entire K2 team is ready to optimize your environment for maximum performance. That's why we offer high-clocked processors, the fastest modern disk storage and years of proven virtualization on the VMware platform.

Why use our data center?

The environment is optimized for the specific needs of ERP systems.
We adapt the performance to your current needs.
We will take care of daily operations.
You don't need any initial investment.

We use the most modern technology corresponding to the TIER IV standard.

Easy scalability and easy increase in performance as needed.

In retrospect, we see our decision to go the way of a cloud platform with automatic database updates, backups and overall data protection as a very good one.

Antonín Keller, member of the board of Glamour Distribution

Antonín Keller

Let's discuss it!
Hanka Přádková
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