Processes should not hinder, but help growth
Every successful company finds itself at a point where the original processes become its limit. We know from our experience that companies struggle with inefficiency, employees needlessly repeat some activities and struggle with a large administrative burden.
What are companies dealing with?

  • Waste of time and money
  • Low productivity

  • High error rate
  • Dissatisfied customers

  • Loss of competitiveness
We can change just that. Together with you, we will streamline the running of the company and start it for further growth.

We adapt processes to people. Not the other way around.
We believe that companies are made of people. Processes should serve them, not the other way around. Therefore, we do not sell template-like solutions or individual modules. But a comprehensive system that builds on your already existing solution. We will find bottlenecks and suggest improvements while maintaining your needs.

Analysis is the first step
Before every deployment of the K2 system, we perform a process analysis. That's the only way you can get not only software, but a better functioning company. The output is a document that will be our joint basis for the implementation and long-term development of the K2 system in your company.

What is the result of the analysis?
  • Specific suggestions for making the company run more efficiently
  • Possibilities to simplify processes
  • Data and numbers to help you run your business
  • Realistic implementation timeline

How does the analysis work?


We collect data

We evaluate the activities of key departments and collect data from the company's operation to date.

We discuss the solution

We will prepare specific proposals on what we can improve. Together we discuss the most appropriate form of change.

We know what really works

We will share with you experiences from similar companies and present you with examples from our practice.

We will prepare an implementation plan

We will set key dates and milestones for the gradual introduction of the system so that everything goes according to plan.

Thanks to the K2 system, we manage the company's internal processes clearly and efficiently (planning, warehouse management, production, logistics, trade, economics and HR). Over time, we try to use other functionalities that the K2 system offers and in which we see added value for the development of our company.

Ing. Stanislav Sehnal, MBA, CEO of KAMPOS, s. r. o.

Stanislav Sehnal

Let's discuss it!
Hanka Přádková
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