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Steel production grows thanks to the K2 information system

Shape Steel a.s.
Turnover316 milions crowns
More about the company
The Ostrava company Shape Steel a. s., is a significant manufacturer of shaped cut parts and seller of thick plates. It has been active on the domestic and foreign market for more than 17 years. The firm is based in the area of Dolní Vítkovice, the complex of a National Historical Monument. Its important customers include Thyssenkrupp, Ostroj and Ferrit.
Since 2017 with K2 ERP

active licences K2

years on the market

tons of steel products
per year

Scope of K2 implementation at Shape Steel

The reason why Shape Steel chose K2 is the wide possibilities of adapting the system to company processes. With K2, the company's management got a system that they could count on to suit them in the future as well - no matter which direction the company takes in its development.

Interesting facts from the K2 ERP implementation
  • Maximum utilisation of K2 standard functions.
  • Unique solution for ensuring production performed to order for firm.
  • Configurator for planning customised production.
  • Records of usable production remnants.
  • Separation of production process into two separate parts – flame cutting and other operations.

"In Shape Steel we have attempted to mainly use standard K2 functions. The planning of customised production using a special configurator is unique. This configurator operates over the job cards and merges cut shapes with the same input material. This solution allows better and more effective planning of production. The configurator also deals with the records of remnants and splitting of price amongst several orders. There is thus a far better use of available material and financial savings."
Radek Kočka, K2 project manager

After a decision to expand production significantly, we sought out software which could handle the management of customised production in our company. We chose K2 because it allows us to gradually make our own additions, which leads to constant improvement.

Martin Kovalčuk, financial director of Shape Steel a. s.

Let's discuss it!
Hanka Přádková
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